Best Innovative Therapy by Star Tribune

Walk Talk Therapy is just like it sounds—the client and the therapist are outside walking during therapy instead of sitting inside an office.

Many clients say that Walk Talk Therapy is a more relaxed environment than the counseling office.  Others state that it is a great way to jump start or support a fitness routine or active lifestyle. Walking while sharing your struggles and life situations can also be meditative. Walk Talk Therapy encourages healthy activity for adults and teens.

Research has consistently shown that exercise can significantly impact anxiety and stress while improving overall mood. It is increasingly apparent that walking is not only good for your physical health, but it is also good for your mental health.

There are several reasons why Walk Talk Therapy is a great approach.

1. Walk Talk Therapy gets clients moving—both literally and figuratively.

2. Walk Talk Therapy is conducted outdoors, being in nature can be meditative and grounding.

3. Walk Talk Therapy is an excellent choice for clients with several different kinds of issues. Clients who are going through a life transition, have anxiety, are experiencing some kind of loss or grief, as well as other challenges tend to do very well with Walk Talk Therapy.

4. You set the pace of the session. If you prefer a meditative, relaxing session of walking or a more active, fast-paced session,  Walk Talk Therapy will match your pace.

5. Research studies have shown that physical activity can enhance the mental and physical health of clients.  Physical activity has also been shown to reduce levels of depression and anxiety and can help to prevent depressive symptoms.

Email Tammie Rosenbloom MSW LICSW  for more information on Walk Talk Therapy        

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" -Lao Tzu